Register to download the Corpus

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Register corpus

The French National Audiovisual Institute (INA) provides the scientific and technological community a corpus of audiovisual documents from its collections, document sheets and metadata associated with these documents.

This corpus is intended for finalising, experimentation and evaluation of search and analysis tools for multimedia content, strictly as part of scientific research. To access the Corpus, you must have first subscribed and have an FTP client available allowing you to download the Corpus.

How do you subscribe?

The Corpus is made available under the conditions specified in the General Conditions of Use (GCU) , to any legal entity having previously subscribed and accepted all the aforesaid Conditions of Use (hereafter called the 'User').

Subscription is restricted to research laboratories, innovative SMEs as well as all other legal entities having a scientific research department or activity.

Before submitting your subscription request, check that all the required fields (marked with an asterisk) have been completed.

Your request will be sent to INA for consideration. After your request has been approved, you will receive an e-mail confirming the address for the FTP server as well as the confidential login name and password assigned to your Organisation, allowing you to access the Corpus.

Registration form

By clicking 'Submit':

You confirm you hold the necessary authorisations and powers to accept the GCU
You undertake to notify INA ( of any change that may occur in the identification of the User and/or their representative
You agree unreservedly to comply with the GCU in force

Any use of the Corpus under conditions breaching the Conditions of Use will be liable to prosecution for counterfeiting.